Report Road, Street Lighting and Street Care Issues

Report issues including potholes, abandoned vehicles, broken street lights, damaged pavements, dead animals, flooding and graffiti.

The police and the council work together to deal with abandoned vehicles and follow strict rules before a vehicle can be removed
Our Roads Maintenance team are responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the adopted road network across West Lothian.
If you have discovered an issue with road barriers or fences, a diversion or closure, road signs, cones, barriers or road markings, you can report them using the online form below.
You can report a street lighting fault by using our online form.
If you have any concerns regarding a damaged or dangerous footpath in West Lothian, you can report them online using the form below.
West Lothian Council will remove and dispose of any dead animals found on roads and public open spaces as a matter of urgency.
How to report a flooding or drainage issue
You can report instances of fly posting in West Lothian using our online form.
Within West Lothian a retailers scheme operated by independent contractors to recover and return abandoned shopping trolleys to retailers is in place and below companies can assist with a collection
Graffiti is probably the biggest form of vandalism which we have to deal with.
How to report issues with traffic lights and other road signs including emergencies.
West Lothian Council is committed to keeping the streets of West Lothian clean and well maintained.
Should you encounter an instance of vandalism in West Lothian, you can report it to the council using the online form below.
An image relating to Spillages
The Council has a responsibility to make sure any spillages onto a road or footpath is dealt with in the appropriate way.
Grounds Maintenance Service Standards
Cleaner Communities Service Standards