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Third Sector Funding

A wide range of funding is available from a number of sources including the UK and Scottish Governments and numerous charitable trusts. Many of these schemes are available to organisations in West Lothian.

West Lothian 4 Community - .A free to access portal to funding information for over 500 UK wide funds to support local voluntary organisations.
The Third Sector Community Support Fund is now CLOSED.
The Regeneration Team manages and distributes the Gala and Similar Annual Events Fund to groups who organise a Gala Day or similar annual community event during the Gala period.
The West Lothian Rural, Community Led Local Development fund (RCLLD) grant programme is now closed
What is the West Lothian Development Trust Fund? The West Lothian Development Trust fund is money received from windfarm developments in West Lothian.
An image relating to West Lothian Community Choices
Communities in West Lothian are being given the chance to influence how budgets in their area are allocated through a process called Community Choices.
These are monies that the council has received from large housing developments as part of 'Section 75' agreements which detail what contributions developers will provide towards local infrastructure and when. Sometimes this includes monies which are towards general town or village improvements, such as those below, which the council then administers as a fund.
The Place Based Investment Programme 2023/24 is now closed.
A grant distribution scheme is open for each area / former burgh (Armadale, Bathgate, Linlithgow, Whitburn) and any funding that may become available will be promoted on this page.
Livingston Youth Trust is a small trust that provides support for young Livingston residents with skills in the field of Sport, Music or the Arts.
On 22 February 2023 West Lothian Council agreed its budget for 2024-25. The budget allocated to the Voluntary Organisations Funding budget was £944,000.