Community Benefit Wishlist
What are Community Benefits?
Community benefits refer to a range of activities that supplier provide that come from goods and services bought by West Lothian Council aimed at improving the economic, social, or environmental wellbeing of West Lothian communities. Community benefits enhance the value of purchasing by the additional benefits that are provided by supplier and used by the community or organisations supporting the local community.
West Lothian Council is committed to securing community benefits from all contracts, wherever possible and require successful suppliers to work with Council officers, as part of the delivery of the services, to provide meaningful sustainable benefits to the local community.
Community benefits are achieved through two ways, the delivery of predetermined local benefits that add value to some of the aims and activities of the Council or through the fulfilment of a request placed on the Community Wish List by a local community organisation.
Community Wish List
The community wish list is a list of requests that local community and Third Sector organisations have asked suppliers to provide that support the local community. The current list can be downloaded here, Community Wishlist (PDF, 161 KB)(opens new window)
How can I request something is added to the list?
If an organisation would the like to request something is added to the list they must complete the following form - Community Benefit Wishlist Form (opens new window)
All requests will be reviewed by the Community Wealth Building Team to ensure they are suitable and will then be placed on the live list. The Community Wishlist will be updated on a monthly basis.
Suppliers are then able to pick the wishes they would like to fulfil as part of their delivery of community benefits. Once a wish has been fulfilled it will be removed from the list. A list of all wishes that have been delivered can be found here soon.
Who can add items on to the wish list apply?
Any locally based Community or Voluntary organisation in West Lothian can add requests on to the wish list.
Examples of Support Available
The types of support organisations can ask for can include:
- Donations of equipment
- Financial donations
- Volunteer time either skills for a project or support for the organisation
- Donation of goods and materials - this could be for specific project being delivered or for goods that organisations give to clients / residents
- Professional support or advice for a project, for the organisation or to the clients / residents being engaged by the organisation
- Sponsorship and fundraising support
- Volunteer time - labour for a project
Please note that submitting a request to the list does not guarantee it will be fulfilled. Suppliers are not obligated to select requests, and there is no specific timescale for fulfilling those that are chosen. If a supplier selects a request, they will contact the organisation directly to discuss and agree on how the request will be fulfilled.
If you require any further information on Community Benefits or support to add a request on to the Wish list please contact the Community Wealth Building Team - (opens new window)
Frequently Asked Questions
A list of FAQ's can be found here. (PDF, 68 KB)(opens new window)