Garden Waste Permits Frequently Asked Questions
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What can I do with my garden waste if I choose not to buy a permit?
Householders can recycle garden waste at their local Recycling Centre free of charge.
Another way to dispose of garden waste is to compost at home. If your garden suits composting, and you would like to try, we have lots of information on our web pages to net you started Waste Free- Home Composting
If you pay a private contractor to undertake gardening work, you can request that they remove the garden waste. This will likely incur a cost.
Please note that fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste (including garden waste) and if found doing this you could be liable for fines or imprisonment. Please see the fly-tipping webpages for more information.
Will there be any increase in fly-tipping following the introduction of the permit scheme?
We have engaged with several other local authorities who have advised that they have not seen any increase in fly-tipping related to the implementation of the scheme. The service regularly monitors fly-tipping.
Can I pick up free compost from the Community Recycling Centres?
Unfortunately, you cannot collect compost from the Community Recycling Centres as we no longer receive compost back from our materials processor.
Can I have an extra grey bin so that I don't have to pay for a garden waste permit?
Unfortunately, you cannot have an extra grey bin unless you meet specific criteria. Red top or extra capacity grey bins are for those people who meet a specific criteria as set out in our Service Standards. If you meet the criteria and wish to apply for a red top/extra capacity bin please visit Household Recycling and Waste and we will arrange for you to have an assessment.