Don't Waste West Lothian
Look after West Lothian's amazing natural environment by ensuring you dispose of all your waste responsibly. Litter and fly-tipping are dangerous to wildlife and ruin the environment for everyone. Fly tipping is illegal and anyone caught could be fined up to £40,000 or face a jail sentence. Littering carries an on the spot fine of £80. Click on the panels below for more information on how to dispose of your waste in the right way.
The litter problem and how to help.
What can you do to stop fly tipping in West Lothian?
There are almost 2000 litter bins in West Lothian, yet some people still think its OK to throw their rubbish on the ground, out the car window, over a hedge or leave it perched neatly in the corner of the bus stop. All of these are littering and all can carry an on the spot fine of £80.
Answers to some commonly asked questions about fly tipping.