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Winter information and updates

Garden Waste Permits Frequently Asked Questions

My brown bin FAQs

Why is the council charging for Garden Waste collection?

Following the Council's annual budget meeting for 2024/25, a decision was made to introduce a charge for the collection of garden waste within the brown bin.

The collection of garden waste is not a statutory service, and with reducing budgets and increasing costs, the Council can no longer afford to operate this type of collection as a free service.

To retain a garden waste collection service, it was therefore necessary to introduce a charge to contribute towards the cost of its provision. There is no obligation to make use of the chargeable service and residents can continue to dispose of garden waste free of charge at the Community Recycling Centres.

What is the cost of 2024/25 Garden Waste Permit?

Garden Waste permits cost £50 per annum for up to two bins per household. This cost is not reduced if a customer purchases a permit beyond 1 June 2024. All permits for the 2024/25 year will end on 31 May 2025.

What can I recycle in my brown bin?

Food waste can always be placed in the brown bin, free of charge. Once you have a garden waste permit, these items can also go in your brown bin:

  • grass cuttings
  • leaves and twigs
  • branches and twigs (small enough to fit in the bin with the lid closed)
  • hedge clippings
  • Plants

Do not put these items in your brown bin:

  • rubble and soil
  • pet waste and bedding
  • plant pots
  • wood and fencing
  • timber or logs
  • garden furniture
  • stones, gravel, or concrete (including DIY waste, such as plasterboard)

How often will my brown bin be emptied?

There will be no change to the brown bin collection day. Households will continue to receive uplifts on a fortnightly frequency. Brown bins displaying a valid garden waste permit will be emptied by the same crew and vehicle collecting food waste from households not participating in the garden waste collection service.

How many brown bins (and permits) can I have?

The £50 charge will be valid per household for up to two bins. This provides up to two permits if required to place on your bins to allow collection. As per the Recycling & Waste Services Customer Service Standards, only two brown bins can be presented per household at any one time.

When does the 2024/25 service start?

The service starts on 1 June 2024.

Collection crews will only empty brown bins containing garden waste if they display a valid garden waste permit.

Service information and permit payment system will be available online from Monday 8 April 2024.