The following details the proposed New Road, Footpath and Cyclepath Improvements works within West Lothian.
Share your views:-
Current consultations will be detailed here.
Completed consultations
Council officers have developed a proposal to provide a new segregated two-way cycle path along the south side of the A89 Edinburgh Road in Bathgate, between Guildiehaugh Roundabout and the King Street car park (formerly the old railway station). This will include carriageway resurfacing and patching between the new train station and Guildiehaugh roundabout as identified in the capital maintenance programme.
The council would like to gain your view of the delivery of this project and also other barriers to active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) you may be aware of in your area for future consideration.
Thank you to all who completed our recent consultation survey on the provision of a segregated two-way cycle path along the A89 Edinburgh Road in Bathgate
Council officers have developed a proposal to provide a new segregated two-way cycle path along the west side of Inchmuir Road (Whitehill Ind Estate) from the junction with Pottishaw Place/Inchmuir Road through to WesterInch in Bathgate.
The council would like to gain your view of the delivery of this project and also other barriers to active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) you may be aware of in your area for future consideration.
Thank you to all who completed our recent consultation survey on the new segregated two-way cycle path along Inchmuir Road (Whitehill Industrial Estate) through to WesterInch in Bathgate
Council officers have developed a proposal to provide a new shared use pathway along the north verge of the B7066, between Polkemmet Roundabout (Heartlands) and the A706 Armadale Road in Whitburn.
The council would like to gain your view of the delivery of this project and also other barriers to active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) you may be aware of in your area for future consideration.
Thank you to all who completed our recent consultation survey on the proposed new shared use pathway along the north verge of the B7066, between Polkemmet Roundabout (Heartlands) and the A706 Armadale Road in Whitburn.
Projects under construction:
Details will be provided here
Projects programmed to commence
Work on the following projects has been programmed to commence. Temporary road closures may be required during the works to ensure the safety of the workforce and the public. Details of Road Closures and Diversions will be provided on the council's website prior to works commencing.
Details will be provided here
Projects being designed
A89 Edinburgh Road, Bathgate - Train Station to Guildiehaugh : cycleway design and carriageway resurfacing - Design stage
Projects Completed
Carriageway Surface Dressing of the following roads:
B8028 - C7 to B8047 (Surface Dressing)
B792 Addiewell to Stoneyburn Cross
B792 - Torphichen to A706
B7010 - Longridge to Fauldhouse Partnership Centre
C15 - B9080 to A904 (Surface Dressing)
C20 - C19 to Auldhill Road (Bridgend) (Surface Dressing)
C5 - A904 Past Pardovan
C5 - Philpstoun to B8090
C12 - Knock to Byres
U16 - 2 Sections Whole Length Patching
U16 - Longmuir to Kingscaval
U17 - Ecclesmachan to West Binny
U17 - Ecclesmachan to Greendykes Road
U18 - Between Railway & B9080
U23 - Standhill Road, Bathgate
U26 - South of Broxburn (Between A89 Newhouses, Kilpunt, Birdsmill)
Love to Ride - working in partnership with West Lothian Council to build a friendly and supportive online cycling community for the area and help more people to discover the joys and benefits of cycling