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11. Upper Uphall underlying geology is responsible for various surface features in Upper Uphall. These include surface collapse from shallow underground workings of oil shal...
School Work Experience Programme order to ensure that our young people gain insight, knowledge and skills around the world of work it is essential that they have access to authentic and rele...
Festive message from West Lothian HSCP Director Alison White we approach the festive holiday period, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff for their hard work and dedication throughout what ha...
Funeral Poverty poverty is an increasing reality for many people throughout the UK who find themselves in a position where the cost of a funeral outweighs their ability...
Lipreading courses more confident with communication, for adults with hearing loss.
Re-Ablement provides a short term assessment service, ordinarily for no longer than six weeks with reviews of your progress at regular intervals.
Health Visitors visitors are qualified nurses(or midwife) who has completed specialist training in children and family health.
West Lothian Council Gaelic Language Plan 2021-2026 Lothian Council recognises that Gaelic is an important part of Scotland's heritage, national identity and current cultural life. To preserve Gaelic languag...
Balloon/lantern release on council land Lothian Council does not permit the release of balloons and/or sky lanterns on its land.
Ability Centre and outreach service to adults aged between 16 and 65 who have a physical disability