Voting in person in the Whitburn and Blackburn By-Election
This webpage has been provided so that voters can use the Recite Me Accessibility Toolbar to access audio and translated versions of information on voting in person and on the ballot paper text.
Please be aware that there are no photo ID requirements for this contest
Guidance for voters
When you are given a ballot paper, go to one of the voting compartments.
Place numbers next to the candidates in order of preference. Put the number 1 in the voting box next to your first choice, number 2 in the voting box next to your second choice, number 3 in the voting box next to your third choice and so on. You can make as many or as few choices as you wish.
Do not let anyone see your vote.
Fold the ballot paper in two. Show the back of the ballot paper to election staff so they can see the number and identifying mark. Put the ballot paper in the ballot box and leave the polling station.
If you make a mistake on your ballot paper, show it to election staff and ask for another one.
Additional supports at the polling station
Ask election staff if you need additional support or information about the voting process.
There are a range of different supports available - for example.
A large print version of the ballot paper to use for reference.
A text magnifier.
A tactile voting device to help you mark the ballot in the correct place of your choosing.
Election staff can read out the options on the ballot paper for you.
You can request that the presiding officer (one of the election staff) marks the ballot paper for you, in the box(es) next to your choice.
If so, they must complete an official form to provide an audit trail for the action.
You can take your assistance animal with you into the polling station.
You can use your mobile phone or other pocket-sized assistive equipment to help read documents in the polling station
You can bring a companion with you to help cast your vote, but they must be aged 18 or over and must not have assisted two or more people already at this election.
Election staff will need to complete a form where a companion assists you to vote, and the companion must sign a simple declaration.
The ballot paper
Following is the exact text which is set out on the ballot paper for the Whitburn and Blackburn By-Election. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
Ballot paper starts.
West Lothian Council - Whitburn and Blackburn
One of the candidates listed below will be elected.
You can make as many or as few choices as you wish.
Put the number 1 in the voting box next to your first choice.
Put the number 2 in the voting box next to your second choice.
Put the number 3 in the voting box next to your third choice and so on.
BROWN, Aileen.
(address in the West Lothian area).
Scottish National Party (SNP).
BUTLER, Douglas Thomas.
(address in the West Lothian area).
Scottish Liberal Democrats.
GLASGOW, Cameron.
(address in the West Lothian area).
Scottish Greens.
KENNEDY, Charles.
(address in the West Lothian area).
Scottish Conservative and Unionist.
LYNCH, Thomas Robert.
12 Blaeberryhill Road, Whitburn, EH47 8LB.
Easter Breich Farm, West Calder, West Lothian, EH55 8PP.
Reform UK.
RUSSELL, David Blackie.
50 Union Road, Whitburn, EH47 0AP.
Scottish Labour Party.
Ballot paper ends.