Schools and Early Learning & Childcare

Information on schools in West Lothian including school terms and holidays, school meals,, school transport and school closures.

Find contact details and information for Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Nurseries and Additional Support Units in West Lothian.
West Lothian Council schools, early learning and childcare term dates for 2024/25 and 2025/26
How to apply for nursery and school places in West Lothian through the Pupil Placement section.
Welcome to - the single point of access for online school payments (iPayImpact) and a variety of additional services to support you and your child.
Every day over 24,000 children attend schools in West Lothian. Of these, the council transports nearly 6,000 children to secondary and primary schools in a variety of vehicles ranging from double deck buses, to coaches, minibuses and taxis.
Find details of schools closed in the West Lothian area.
Information on instrumental music, gaelic education, active schools and community sport; and holiday activity and lunch clubs.
Information on hiring school facilities.
It is essential that the school has the name, address and telephone number of an adult to be contacted in case of an accident or your child feeling ill.
Forms and Individual Healthcare Plans for the Management of Pupils with Healthcare Needs: Compulsory Procedures for all Schools.
Arrangements for the application of non-prescription sun cream, soaps and hand lotions