West Lothian has five Community Recycling Centres.
Changes to opening times over the festive period
All recycling centres will be open as normal over the festive, except on Wednesday and Thursday, 25 and 26 December 2024 and 1 and 2 January 2025 when they are closed.
You must have a slot booked in advance to visit a recycling centre, which are usually busier than normal over the festive period. Please only go to a recycling centre on the date and time of your booking, as otherwise you will not be given access.
To book a visit, please go to Community Recycling Centre (CRC) bookings. If you have booked a recycling centre visit in advance and no longer require it, please cancel your booking so it can be used by another local resident.
If your item is still usable, you could offer it to a neighbour or friend or consider advertising it for sale online. Some local charity shops such as HomeAid will collect large items for free.
If your item is repairable you could take it to a Repair Cafe or other charity repair organisation, many of whom perform repairs for a small donation.
What materials can I currently take to a Community Recycling Centre?
Hairdryers, irons, vacuum cleaners, kettles, tools (drills, electric saws etc), telephone equipment, games and computer consoles, disposable vapes.
Electronic Screens
TV's, monitors, laptops, computer screens.
Fridges & Freezers
Domestic cooling appliances e.g. fridges, freezers, mini fridge, drinks fridges, household chest freezers.
Note that fridge/freezers originating from commercial premises are not accepted.
Large Electrical Appliances
Cookers, microwaves, washing machines and tumble driers, dishwashers.
Fluorescent/energy saving tubes and bulbs
Take care not to break tubes. If the tube is broken please double-bag it.
Garden Waste
Flowers and plants, garden weeds, grass cuttings, hedge clippings, leaves and bark, small branches and twigs, cut flowers, leaves.
No soil - please place loose soil in separate soil skips provided.
No food waste - please place food waste in your brown bin loose or in a biodegradable bag.
Gas bottles (empty)
Please take to storage cage and ask for assistance.
Note that Acetylene and CO2 gas bottles are not accepted.
Glass bottles and jars
Separate glass banks for clear, green and brown glass.
Mineral engine oil
Only used mineral engine oil.
Bagged Non-Recyclable Waste
Materials that cannot be recycled using either kerbside recycling service, bring sites or other skips at recycling centres (Examples such as: nappies and sanitary towels, used napkins, greasy/food contaminated cardboard pizza boxes, polystyrene, crisp packets, bubble wrap, plastic film, tooth paste tubes.
Bulky Non-Recyclable Waste
Sofa's, carpets, mattresses.
Clean and dry cardboard e.g. corrugated cardboard boxes, delivery boxes.
Rubble and bricks
Bricks, stone and slabs (no ceramics or tiles).
Scrap metal
Boilers, radiators, metal baths, metal sinks, metal frames, metal furniture.
Loose soil - no plants, bricks or rubble mixed with the soil.
Food waste
Please do not mix food waste, bones, meat, peelings etc with your garden waste when visiting the recycling centre. Food and garden waste cannot be recycled together at CRC's, you will not be permitted to dispose of your garden waste if mixed with food waste.
Please place food waste in your brown bin loose or in a biodegradable bag.
If you wish to visit a Community Recycling Centre in a van or trailer you need to book a slot before you visit, please be aware that vans cannot access any site on a Sunday. Find out more information about this service here.