The Access2Employment Team of professional employment advisers offer tailored support to help its clients secure new or better employment, training or educational opportunities.
The service works with its clients to better understand their employment aspirations and options, to develop skills to successfully identify and apply for vacancies and to perform well in interview. We work in partnership with services within West Lothian Council and the local area, ensuring our clients are aware of and have access to the range of support available.
One to One service
Experienced advisers offer one to one support, working with clients to help them recognise the range of skills they have to offer potential employer's. Building on this, advisers can then help develop an employment action plan, assist with job searching to identify suitable vacancies, with online applications and CV preparation in addition to mock interview practice.
If you are seeking employment, but are not sure what you are looking for or where to start, an Access2Employment adviser can work with you to develop an employment action plan. This will help you identify what your employment goals are, the steps needed to achieve this, establish a realistic timescale and access the support required.
If you are currently seeking new employment, a useful starting point is recognising your transferable skills - skills that you have gained through education, employment and your personal life, all of which are of interest to a future employer. Our advisers will work with you to identify the range of skills you have, which will not only strengthen your CV and job applications, but will also expand the job opportunities available for you to apply for.
Knowing how to effectively search for job opportunities is key to securing employment. An Access2Employment advisers can assist you develop skills to identify relevant opportunities and to structure an application with relevant information, maximising your chances of being invited for interview.
In addition, the A2E Vacancy Bulletin which is produced weekly, provides a comprehensive list of current local vacancies across sectors and job levels. To subscribe, please complete - To view the most recent bulletin please Click Here (opens new window)
A CV is a personal marketing document, used to sell yourself to prospective employers. Our team of Access2Employment advisers will work with you to ensure you are highlighting relevant skills and experience. They will ensure it is keyword friendly for online applications and that it will stand out from the crowd.
As a starting point, complete and return our confidential CV questionnaire and a member of the team will then contact you to offer one to one support to transform into a professional CV - Access2Employment Online Registration (opens new window) or contact us to make an appointment.
Practice makes perfect - and that applies to interviews also. Our Access2Employment advisers can help you prepare for an interview by looking at techniques on how to effectively answer questions, what questions might be asked, and any additional interview tips. You will have the opportunity to undertake a mock interview and receive constructive feedback, all with the aim of increasing your chance of securing the job.
Access2Employment prepare a weekly Vacancy Bulletin, full of current, local job opportunities and helpful advice on money and benefits, training grants, workshops and employment support.
This course is for men that are thinking about getting back to work and want to gather the tools and techniques needed to make the transition a smooth one.