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Employability wellbeing support

Access2Employment advisers offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching, mental health support, and personal development. Our aim is to empower individuals by providing the tools and guidance needed to reach their personal and professional goals, helping you build confidence and resilience along the way.

Wellbeing Support for Employability

Our Wellbeing Employability Advisers offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching, mental health support, and personal development. We guide, support, and empower individuals facing challenges that impact their employability goals. Our aim is to help you identify your full potential and overcome barriers, whether you're seeking a job or looking to change or progress in your current career.

This service is available to anyone aged 16 and over who lives in West Lothian. 


Based on your individual circumstances, we offer regular 1:1 sessions that give you the time, space, and tools to explore your aspirations in both life and work. Together, we'll identify your next steps and create an achievable action plan with clear and defined goals.

We provide ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability to help you move forward or shift direction. Whether you're looking to enter training, volunteering, employment, or change careers, we're here to help.

Appointments can take place in-person at local community buildings, online, or over the phone.

Topics Covered include:

  • Stress and Anxiety Management
  • Building Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Creating Positive Routines & Healthy Habits
  • Creating Healthy Boundaries & Relationships
  • Transferable Skills
  • Goal Setting & Action Planning
  • Accountability & Motivation

Group Work - Wellbeing Workshop

Our Wellbeing Workshop aims to increase self-awareness and provide practical tips and techniques to improve overall wellbeing. It lays the foundation for positive changes in your life and work.

Topics Covered in the Workshop:

  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • Sleep & Routine
  • Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Journaling, Affirmations & Practicing Gratitude
  • Creating Positive Routines & Habits
  • Introduction to Goal Setting

This workshop serves as an introduction to the topics we explore in our 1:1 sessions and our Steps 2 Success programmes. It is currently delivered online and lasts approximately 2 hours.


To register to engage with the service please click Request support

 Alternately contact us on 

0800 032 9768 or email (opens new window)