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Care Services for Children and Young People and families to assess children's and young people's needs and act together to provide the most appropriate support and services
Daisy Drop In and activities run in partnership with other organisations. Such as Baby massage, weaning, breastfeeding support and new mums group.
Compass young people in Scotland, their parents and carers, and the professionals who support them, with the transition to young adult life.
Lothian Centre For Inclusive Living Centre for Inclusive Living and Carers of West Lothian can both offer independent advice and advocacy around Self-Directed Support
Child Bereavement UK - Website Bereavement UK believes that all families should have access to the support and information they need when a child grieves or when...
My Diabetes Patient Portal - Website diabetes my way is the NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.
Looking for Funding? 4 Community - .A free to access portal to funding information for over 500 UK wide funds to support local voluntary organisations.
Food Growing Lothian Council supports all forms of community food growing, from allotments and community gardens to community planters and fruit...
Flexible Working Flexible Working The council recognises the critical role that employees have in every aspect of service delivery, continuous...
Employee Health & Wellbeing on supports, guidance and self help tools available to all employees including Four Pillars of Wellbeing categories of mental,...