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  • Integrated Impact Assessment Guidance - Understanding Integrated Impact Assessment

    Purpose of the Guidance This guidance document has been designed to provide you with supporting information that supports the completion...

  • At Home Monitoring - Just Checking

    ...or Alzheimer's, Just Checking will help you understand how to provide the right support. Benefits: Can be used to identify when

  • (SG) Supplementary Guidance : Minerals (Including Restoration Bonds)

    ...bonds). Previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on the subject of minerals supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superceded)...

  • (PG) Planning Guidance : Control of Obtrusive Lighting (light pollution) and Reducing Light Energy Consumption

    ...Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) dating from 2009 on essentially the same subject supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superseded)...

  • Self-Management - Reminder Clock

    Supports time orientation and provides reminders. Ravencourt Living Rosebud Reminder Clock: For people living with memory problems. Supports...

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging in West Lothian

    ...accessible and easy to use, provide convenient and affordable access for all and support active and sustainable travel choices." In order...

  • Kidz-Eco

    Kidz-Eco provides support to families with a child 5 and under. Their Community Development Officers offer information, guidance and

  • West Lothian Development Trust

    ...Council and the windfarm developers. West Lothian Council provides administrative support to the trust. 70% of all funding received is...

  • Club Network Events

    Through the network we support clubs and their people to develop strong governance and to identify and address the needs of their membership...

  • Spaces for People Programme

    ...announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Michael Mathieson on 23 April 2020 to support the country's coronavirus response. Councils...