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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Data Protection and GDPR

Data Protection Requests

In order to deliver services to the citizens and communities in West Lothian, it is necessary for the council to collect, gather and process personal data about residents, staff and other individuals.

The new Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. Data Protection Law regulates the way we handle and process personal data within the council. The law includes new definitions of personal data that is in keeping with changing technology and has strengthened the rights of individuals.

Personal data is information which relates to a living person who can be identified from the information itself, or by linking it with other information. For example, it could be your name and address, a school pupil's record or a client's health information.

Processing personal data is the name given to anything that we do with your personal data that we hold. For example, entering your details into our computer systems or storing a completed form in a filing cabinet.