Data Protection and GDPR
Data Protection Requests
In order to deliver services to the citizens and communities in West Lothian, it is necessary for the council to collect, gather and process personal data about residents, staff and other individuals.
The new Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. Data Protection Law regulates the way we handle and process personal data within the council. The law includes new definitions of personal data that is in keeping with changing technology and has strengthened the rights of individuals.
Personal data is information which relates to a living person who can be identified from the information itself, or by linking it with other information. For example, it could be your name and address, a school pupil's record or a client's health information.
Processing personal data is the name given to anything that we do with your personal data that we hold. For example, entering your details into our computer systems or storing a completed form in a filing cabinet.
How do I make a request?
Where you are seeking a copy of your personal information please complete our online form:
Make a Subject Access Request (opens new window)
Alternatively you can download, print, complete and return our Subject Access Request Form by post or by email to the address below: Subject Access/Request Form (Word doc, 24 KB)(opens new window)
Customer Services
West Lothian Council
West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
West Lothian
EH54 6FF
Telephone: 01506 280000
For all requests, we will need:
- documentary proof that you are who you say you are (this is for security reasons to ensure we are dealing with you and that none of your personal information is accessed or interfered with by anyone else falsely claiming to be you);
- information about the request you are making and your dealings with us to help identify the information in question and to your request.
Please ensure you provide at least two forms of identification in the form of [copies of passport, driving licence, utility bills or similar] bearing your full name and current postal address.
On receipt of your request, we will always send you a written acknowledgement and may need to ask you for:
- proof of identification if you have not supplied this already;
- information about the nature of your request and your dealings with us so we can understand, identify and locate information that is relevant where this is not already clear from your request.
If we do not hear back from you with confirmation of your identity and/or sufficient information to respond to your request in one month,we will not be able to process your request and it will be treated as lapsed for accounting purposes.
Can someone else make a request for me?
A friend, relative, advocate or solicitor may act on your behalf. However, this person must supply written authority from you to confirm that they are acting for you and we will still require identification for you.
What if a data subject 'lacks mental capacity'?
A person with a lasting power of attorney appointed directly by the data subject or a Deputy appointed by the Court of Protection may exercise these rights.
What about requests involving children?
A child aged 12 or above are automatically able to exercise data protection rights.
As a general rule a child must have sufficient understanding and maturity to exercise their own rights and a common sense approach will be adopted in the event a child or young person submits a request.
For children aged under 12, it will generally be expected that a request is made by a person with parental responsibility with whom the child normally resides and 'best interest' considerations will be taken into account.
When can I expect your response?
We aim to respond to your request without undue delay and no later than 1 calendar month counted from the first working day after we are in receipt of your request, and:
- proof of your identity, and
- any further information (where we have requested this from you) we need to process your request and/or locate and retrieve your personal information.
Where it is not possible to respond sooner and the last day before expiry of 1 calendar month, falls over a weekend or on a bank holiday, the latest due date will be treated as the first working day after the weekend or bank holiday.
If your request is complex, we may need to extend the length of time required to respond.
If this applies, we will let you know before the latest due date on which you would be expecting to hear back from us.
The law says we can extend the length of time to respond by a maximum of a further 2 calendar months.
Where it is not possible to respond sooner and the last day before expiry of the 2nd calendar month, falls over a weekend or on a bank holiday, the latest due date will be treated as the first working day after the weekend or bank holiday.
We will always endeavour to respond as quickly as we can.
Will I have to pay a charge?
Ordinarily we will not charge a fee for fulfilling a request from you.
The only exception is where you make repeat requests for the same of similar information. In these cases, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative costs of supplying further copies if we consider a reasonable time period has not intervened since fulfilling a previous request.
Will I get all of the information I am requesting?
Normally this is likely to be the case.
But it is important to note that the right of access to your own information does not extend to information about other people who may be identified in the information that also refers to you.
We may therefore redact personal information about other persons (including third parties) where we are satisfied it is reasonable in the circumstances to do so.
In some cases information may be so interlinked that it is not possible to fulfil your request without breaching another person's privacy rights.
The names of professional staff (whether directly employed by us or not) involved in decision-making about your care and education will often be disclosable and their identities will not be automatically redacted, unless this is warranted in a particular case.
The law recognises that there are occasions when it may be appropriate to withhold certain information and provides exemptions in specified circumstances.
If we withhold information on the basis that it is exempt from disclosure, where it is possible to do so, we will explain the exemption(s) we are relying on and the reasons why one or more are necessary.
Can I choose the format in which my information is supplied?
Where you have submitted your request electronically or asked us to respond in a particular format, we will try to do so wherever this is reasonably practicable.
Can you refuse my request?
In certain circumstances we may refuse to act on your request if we consider that your request is unfounded, excessive or repetitive in nature.
What changes have been introduced?
When the current Data Protection Act was introduced in 1998, the internet was very new and people didn't understand the full implications of how it could be used - especially when collecting personal information.
As technology continues to develop, new definitions of personal data are being introduced such as your IP computer address or your mobile phone location setting. Your IP address is a label which is used to identify one or more devices on a computer network such as the internet. It is similar to your postal address and is a series of long numbers.
For customers:
The new Data Protection Act introduced more safety measures about how personal data is used by organisations. It takes account of new mobile technology which captures personal data - to establish trust in how it is processed and shared.
As a council we have:
introduced new documenting and processing procedures
reviewed our Data Sharing Code of Practice (PDF, 880 KB)(opens new window)
strengthened our rules for deleting and removing personal data
ensured that we are transparent and more open about what we do with customer's data
ensured that we perform privacy assessments for certain processing of personal data
minimised the amount of personal data that we need to deliver a service to you
responded to personal data enquiries within the appropriate timeframe
notified customers, where required, if we lose their personal data and breach the Act.
Under the new rules, as a public body we have a Data Protection Officer. This is a dedicated senior officer who will enforce how we collect and process personal data in line with the new data protection law.
In compliance with Data Protection Law, the council has registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). This registration can be viewed on the ICO Website (opens new window). Registration Number Z6925127.
As a Data Controller, the council determines the purpose and methods for processing information and ensures safeguards over any personal and/or sensitive information it handles.
Contact Details for the council:
Customer Services
West Lothian Council
West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
West Lothian
EH54 6FF
Telephone: 01506 280000
Data Protection Officer: The council's Data Protection Officer is the Information and Systems Manager, Joe Murray and can be contacted by email: (opens new window)
In order to deliver essential services to the citizens and communities of West Lothian, we need access to personal information about clients, customers and staff. This information can be sensitive in nature so we put safeguards in place to ensure that:
- we only gather as much information as we need, and no more
- the information is accurate and up-to-date
- the information is only used for the purpose intended
- we only keep the information only as long as we need to
We will not disclose personal information to third parties for marketing purposes or use personal data in a way that may cause unwarranted detriment.
However there are circumstances where the council is legally required to disclose information:
- for the purpose of performing statutory enforcement duties
- disclosures required by law
- for the purposes of detecting/preventing fraud
- auditing/administering public funds
Information is processed by the council in the UK. However, we will inform you in our 'Privacy Notices' of any instance where this may not be the case.
The council will only share your information where it is required to do so, such as, where services are delivered jointly with other organisations. We will tell you who these other organisations are when we gather your information. This is detailed further in each of the specific 'Privacy Notices' in the section below.
Where information is shared with other organisations or processed on our behalf, we will ensure adequate protection by ensuring contracts and sharing agreements are in place. These will define the minimum amount of data to be shared, how your information is to be used and will enforce security controls to protect your information.
The council has a Information Governance Policy (PDF, 217 KB)(opens new window) . This policy is regularly reviewed by the Data Protection Officer to ensure that the council complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
All council officers are required to undertake data protection and information security training to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the data protection principles.
We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. After this time, information is deleted/destroyed in accordance with council approved retention schedules. Please see our 'retention schedule' links below that provide some detail on how long we keep information for:
Retention Schedules
Finance Retention Policy (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)
Adult Care Services - Records Retention Schedule (PDF, 83 KB)(opens new window)
Children Family Services - Records Retention Schedule (PDF, 102 KB)(opens new window)
Criminal Justice - Records Retention Schedule (PDF, 167 KB)(opens new window)
To learn more about how we use information in specific circumstances click the relevant link below:
Arts, Leisure and Countryside
- Operational Services - NETs Land and Countryside Service Delivery and Enquiries (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - NETS Land and Countryside, Garden Competitions (PDF, 73 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - NETs Land and Countryside, Community Growing Group (PDF, 79 KB)(opens new window)
- Application to become a member of the West Lothian Local Access Forum Privacy Notice (PDF, 114 KB)(opens new window)
- Booking the Linlithgow Burgh Halls - Privacy Notice (PDF, 130 KB)(opens new window)
Business and Trade
- Business Improvement District Levy Administration - Privacy Notice (PDF, 64 KB)(opens new window)
- Business Rates Administration (Sole Traders and Limited Liability Partnerships) - Privacy Notice (PDF, 64 KB)(opens new window)
- Environmental Health and Trading Standards - Privacy Notice (PDF, 68 KB)(opens new window)
- Licences, Permits and Permissions - Privacy Notices
- Procurement - Privacy Notice (PDF, 147 KB)(opens new window)
- Business Support Fund Privacy Notice (PDF, 164 KB)(opens new window)
- Payments to Suppliers - Privacy Notice (PDF, 149 KB)(opens new window)
Council Information
- Council Complaints Handling Procedure - Privacy Notice (PDF, 73 KB)(opens new window)
- Councillors Local Disbursement Fund - Privacy Notice (PDF, 165 KB)(opens new window)
- Customer Services - Privacy Notice (PDF, 160 KB)(opens new window)
- General Complaints Enquiries and Service Requests - Privacy Notice (PDF, 132 KB)(opens new window)
- Elected Members Payments - Privacy Notice (PDF, 263 KB)(opens new window)
- Making a Request for Information - Privacy Notice (PDF, 126 KB)(opens new window)
- Making a Request Relating to Your Personal Data - Privacy Notice (PDF, 123 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - General Customer Enquiries - Privacy Notice (PDF, 73 KB)(opens new window)
- Web Services - Customer Feedback Request - Privacy Notice (PDF, 223 KB)(opens new window)
- COVID 19 Shielding Privacy Notice (PDF, 125 KB)(opens new window)
- Corporate Communications Drone Footage - Privacy Notice
- Insurance Claims Handling - Privacy Notice (PDF, 151 KB)(opens new window)
- Finance Systems User Access - Privacy Notice (PDF, 335 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice – Corporate Communications – Notify Text Service (PDF, 77 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice - Corporate Communications - E-Newsletter Privacy Notice (PDF, 75 KB)(opens new window)
- Citizen Led Inspection - Privacy Notice (PDF, 113 KB)(opens new window)
Council Tax and Benefits
- Advice Shop - Privacy Notice
- Council Tax Administration - Privacy Notice (PDF, 96 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice - Business Rates and Business Improvement District Levy Administration (Sole Traders and Limited Liability Partnerships) (PDF, 45 KB)(opens new window)
- Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction and Discretionary Housing Payment - Privacy Notice - Privacy Notice (PDF, 696 KB)(opens new window)
- Blue Badge Scheme – Privacy Notice (PDF, 136 KB)(opens new window)
- Education Maintenance Allowance - Privacy Notice (PDF, 97 KB)(opens new window)
- Non-Residential Care Charge Financial Assessments - Privacy Notice (PDF, 123 KB)(opens new window)
- School Clothing Grants, Free School Meals & Milk - Privacy Notice (PDF, 154 KB)(opens new window)
- Scottish Welfare Fund - Privacy Notice (PDF, 183 KB)(opens new window)
- Council Tenants - Privacy Notice (PDF, 214 KB)(opens new window)
- Factoring - Privacy Notice (PDF, 161 KB)(opens new window)
- Housing Needs Applicants and those seeking Advice & Assistance - Privacy Notice (PDF, 170 KB)(opens new window)
- Landlord Registration - Privacy Notice (PDF, 161 KB)(opens new window)
- West Lothian Common Housing Register - Privacy Notice (PDF, 217 KB)(opens new window)
- Housing Strategy including SOA & ECO Flex (PDF, 177 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice - Tenant Grant Fund (PDF, 134 KB)(opens new window)
- Applying for housing - Privacy Notice (PDF, 619 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice - Short Term Let Licensing Scheme (PDF, 173 KB)(opens new window)
- Privacy Notice - Empty Homes (PDF, 580 KB)(opens new window)
In your Community
- Archives & Records Management (PDF, 160 KB)(opens new window)
- Customer and Community Services Lettings - Privacy Notice (PDF, 153 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services- Lair Purchase and Lair Records - Privacy Notice (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
- Registration Services - Privacy Notice (PDF, 198 KB)(opens new window)
- Community Online Room Booking System - Privacy Notice (PDF, 176 KB)(opens new window)
- Livingston Youth Trust - Privacy Notice (PDF, 82 KB)(opens new window)
- Supporting Women and Girls - Privacy Notice (PDF, 163 KB)(opens new window)
- Community Choices - Privacy Policy (PDF, 62 KB)(opens new window)
Jobs and Employment
- Access 2 Employment - Privacy Notice (Word doc, 72 KB)(opens new window)
- Contract of Employment - Privacy Notice (Word doc, 70 KB)(opens new window)
- Health and Safety - Privacy Notice (PDF, 175 KB)(opens new window)
- Learning & Development - Privacy Notice (Word doc, 65 KB)(opens new window)
- Recruitment - Privacy Notice (Word doc, 66 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - 2023 UK Telematic Privacy Notice (PDF, 74 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - 2024 ID Badge Privacy Notice (PDF, 114 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - 2024 Drivers Licence Check - DAVIS Privacy Notice (PDF, 110 KB)(opens new window)
Libraries and Museums
- Library Services - Privacy Notice (PDF, 168 KB)(opens new window)
- Museum and Archive Services - Privacy Notice (PDF, 605 KB)(opens new window)
Planning and Building Standards
- Building Standards Applications - Privacy Notice (PDF, 318 KB)(opens new window)
- Building Standards Enforcement - Privacy Notice (PDF, 174 KB)(opens new window)
- Development Management - Privacy Notice (PDF, 120 KB)(opens new window)
- Development Planning and Environment - Privacy Notice (PDF, 75 KB)(opens new window)
Recycling and Waste
- Operational Services - Weighbridge Database - Privacy Notice (PDF, 74 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - Recycling and Waste - Collection Delivery and Enquiries (PDF, 119 KB)(opens new window)
Roads, Streets and Parking
- Blue Badge Scheme (PDF, 108 KB)(opens new window)
- Operational Services - Road Maintenance and Service Requests (PDF, 78 KB)(opens new window)
Schools, Education and Learning
- Operational Services - Children's Dietary Requirements - Privacy Notice (PDF, 74 KB)(opens new window)
- Education - Schools Privacy Notice (PDF, 114 KB)(opens new window)
- CCTV In Schools Privacy Notice (PDF, 110 KB)(opens new window)
Social Care and Health
- Occupational Therapy - Privacy Notice (PDF, 131 KB)(opens new window)
- Social Policy Children & Families Privacy Notice (PDF, 245 KB)(opens new window)
- Social Policy Referral, Assessment & Care Management for Adults & Older People (PDF, 131 KB)(opens new window)
- Wellbeing Recovery - Privacy Notice (PDF, 160 KB)(opens new window)
- Improving the Cancer Journey - Privacy Notice (PDF, 64 KB)(opens new window)
Travel and Transport
Depending on why we need to process your information, you will have rights to how your information is used. These will be detailed in the Privacy Notices in the section above.
The council has a legal basis for gathering and processing of information necessary for the delivery of critical services. You have the right to request that the council stop processing your personal data in relation to any council service. However, this may cause delays or prevent us delivering a service to you. Where possible, we will seek to comply with such requests but this may not be possible where the council is required to do so by law, to safeguard public safety, where there is a risk of harm and/or in emergency situations.
Please submit an enquiry to us if you would like to:
- View your information, please submit a request (Subject Access Request)
- Verify, correct or update your information
- Understand of how we have arrived at a decision about you
- If you have a concern, complaint, objection or request a restriction on how we process your information
We will endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 30 days of their submission.
Contact details for enquiries:
Customer Services
West Lothian Council
West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
West Lothian
EH54 6FF
Email: (opens new window)
Telephone: 01506 280000
For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) at:
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number
Alternatively, visit Information Commissioner's Office (opens new window) or email