Customer Strategy 2023 to 2028 (Plain Text Version)
The Purpose of the Customer Strategy
The purpose of the Customer Strategy is to create a culture of outstanding customer service in the council, with a drive to improve the quality of customer experience and overall standard of service.
Scope of the Strategy
The Customer Strategy is a corporate strategy and adopted across the council.
The strategy covers the period 2023/24 to 2027/28, which is also the duration of the Council's Corporate Plan. The Customer Strategy has been developed in support of this plan and the other key plans and strategies.
The Customer Strategy is part of suite of strategies that will support the council to transform and improve in a smart, flexible and efficient way.
There are four outcomes in the Customer Strategy and these are:
- A culture that prioritises the customer
- Services are designed to meet customer needs
- Enhancing our digital offer
- Improving the customer experience
Reporting on Progress
The Customer Strategy will be progressed under the direction of a corporate board. An annual update on progress in the outcomes and actions will be reported to Corporate Policy and Resources PDSP and published on the council website.
An end of strategy report will also be published in 2028.