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Transport Assistance for Additional Support Needs (ASN) within ASN Schools

Assistance with Transport - in an Additional Support Needs School

West Lothian Council provides transport arrangements for children and young people who have been assessed as requiring it because of additional support needs.

West Lothian Council are introducing a new referral process for the provision of home to school transport which will take effect for the new school session 2024/25.

Where a parent/carer would like to request enhanced transport provision for a child with additional support needs integrated into mainstream school, a referral can be made to the Transport Assistance Group (TAG), a panel made up of council officers from the Passenger Transport Service and Education Services. 

In determining individual transport needs, recommendations from school staff, Psychological Services, community and allied health professionals will be sought Information from parents or carers which is also a crucial part of this process.

Transport Assistance Group (TAG)

Transport Assistance Group (TAG) considerations are as follows:

Consideration should be given to:

  • the ability of the parent or carer to transport their child to school through a parental contract. (Personalisation)
  • the ability to use public transport/route transport.
  • the viability of foster carers providing transport when a child or young person is accommodated away from home.
  • the ability to engage in planning activity to access school transport

If home to school transport is agreed by TAG as a necessary part of a child or young person's support plan, consideration should then be given to the following:

  • Parental Mileage offer to all parents living within criteria distance offer will be made initially.
  • Ability for independent travel with supervision plan until confidence is built.
  • necessary equipment required for travelling - Wheelchair accessible vehicles.
  • requirements for supervision (Additional Support Needs School only)

Information on all of the above will be considered when deciding on the type of transport to be provided.


Home to school transport is provided on the grounds of:

  • Distance entitlement;
    • Primary children (1.5 miles or over) Secondary children (2 miles or over). Distance is measured from home address to school gate via shortest walking route. A walking route is deemed acceptable for a child accompanied by a responsible adult if it meets three criteria: Being paved or a shared roadway of adequate width, having an all-weather surface, and being lit.
  • additional support needs;
  • local authority placement within an Additional Support Needs School out with catchment.

The distance criteria will apply to all children and young people however, some children and young people who live within the distance criteria may be considered for school transport depending on their additional support needs as detailed below.

  • the child or young person has a severe and complex needs assessed by Transport Assistance group (TAG) - a panel of West Lothian Council officers from education and passenger transport services as requiring enhanced transport support. Each case is heard on an individualised basis and evidence should be submitted at point of application.
  • the child or young person has a physical disability which prevents them from accessing the transport generally available to take other children and young people from that area to school.
  • the child or young person attends a specialist provision or school as agreed by the Educational Placement Group (EPG). (Please note: the distance criteria will also apply to children and young people attending specialist provision, but transport may be provided on the basis of need).

Further details can be accessed on the Home to School Transport Guidance Document linked below.

Any enquiries you may have in relation to ASN Home to School Transport please contact us by Email:

Guidance on how to make a complaint can be found at Complaints

Start referral for Transport Assistance for Additional Support Needs (ASN) within ASN Schools

If you have currently already applied for Transport in 2024

Start request for Transport Assistance for Additional Support Needs (ASN) within ASN Schools