Money and Debt Advice
Advice and support for anyone dealing with debt

You can contact the advice shop and speak to any of our advisors about money and debt issues. If your enquiry is complex or involves multiple debts, you will be referred to our dedicated money advice team and you will be allocated a case worker who will work with you in the longer term to bring your debts under control.
What We Do
- Help to deal with secured or unsecured debts
- Assistance with Council Tax arrears
- Negotiation with creditors on your behalf
- Advice on bankruptcy
- Help to access different government schemes for dealing with debts
How we can help
Contact us by phone on 01506 283000 or by filling in our online referral form. An advisor will ask for some basic information about your circumstances and your debts and your case will then be allocated to a money advisor who will work with you to determine the various options available for you. The information we require includes:
- Your personal details and how we can contact you
- Marital status
- Children - number and ages
- Employment details if you are working
- Partner's employment details if applicable
- Details of any benefits you receive - which benefit and how much you get
- Housing tenure - council, private let, housing association or home owner
- If you are an owner occupier, market value and secured borrowing outstanding
- Type of debt
- Reason for debt
Living with debt and money worries can affect many aspects of your life from your relationships to your health and wellbeing. There is a wide range of support available in West Lothian including debt advice, help with money skills and emotional support. To find out more about what is available locally take a look at the West Lothian Debt Toolkit (PDF, 304 KB)(opens new window)