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Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the LDP

The council has a statutory requirement to undertake Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on LDPs under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. SEA was initially undertaken when preparing the LDP Proposed Plan and was updated to take account of the Reporters' recommended modifications.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Environmental Report

The updated SEA concluded that the modifications proposed to the plan could be implemented with no significant environmental effects and a Screening Determination was made on 03 April 2018 to this effect and submitted to the three Consultation Authorities (Historic Environment Scotland (HES), Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) via Scottish Government's SEA Gateway. 

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening determination / screening report / public notice

(1)    SEA Screening Determination : Modifications by the DPEA Reporter

(2)    SEA Screening Determination : Modification by Scottish Ministers

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Post-Adoption Statement

Section 18(2) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires a post-adoption SEA statement to be prepared by the council 'as soon as reasonably practicable' following adoption of the plan.

The Act requires the SEA statement to set out how the findings in the environmental report and the associated consultation responses were taken into account during the preparation of the plan, before the final decision was taken to adopt it.