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Early Learning & Childcare (Nursery & Childminder) places for 2 year olds


Nursery Class Closure Decision
At their meeting on 4 March 2025, West Lothian Council's Education Executive -

  • Agreed to the closure proposals for 8 nursery classes - Bathgate West; Our Lady's (Stoneyburn); Deans North; Ladywell; Fauldhouse; St Anthony's;  St Joseph's; and Linlithgow Bridge.
  • Did not agree to closure proposal for 1 nursery class - Glenvue Nursery School

For more information please see the: Schools and Education - Closed Consultations page. 


Funded 2 year olds places are available at some nurseries, playgroups and childminders.  2 year old Early Learning & Childcare (Nursery & Childminder) provision is a fun and friendly opportunity for children to make friends and to learn and develop through play. If your child qualifies then they can have funding to attend a placement for up to 1,140 hours.  This equates to roughly 22 hours per week if a child attends for 50 weeks of the year or 30 hrs per week if they only attend for 38 weeks.