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  • Mental Health Advocacy Project

    Advocacy services for anyone who has or has had mental health and/or addiction problems living in or receiving treatment in West Lothian

  • Wiltshire Farm Foods

    Online frozen meal provider that offer a wide range of ready to cook meals including meals for specialised and texture modified diets.

  • Oakhouse Foods

    Online frozen meal provider that offer a wide range of ready to cook meals including meals for specialised and texture modified diets.

  • Forced Marriage

    A forced marriage is one in which either or both people involved don't consent or cannot give consent, to the marriage, as they are pressurised, or abuse is use...

  • Growing a business

    Knowing when to grow your business is just as important as deciding whether to do so by introducing new services, increasing market share or entering into a par...

  • Education Scotland

    Education Scotland aims to provide assurance on the quality of Scottish education and promote improvement and innovation to enhance learners' experiences and le...

  • Celebrating Book Week Scotland 2022

    Join us in celebrating Book Week Scotland 2022.

  • Common Good Fund - Community Grant Scheme

    A grant distribution scheme is open for each area / former burgh (Armadale, Bathgate, Linlithgow, Whitburn) and any funding that may become available will be pr...

  • About Our Service

    Information about our service, standards and privacy notice.

  • Advice Shop Privacy Notice

    The information you provide us for the purposes of resolving your advice needs will be recorded, stored and destroyed in line with GDPR.