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Witchcraig Woodland & Korean War Memorial the serene Bathgate Hills, around one mile east of Torphichen, is the Witchcraig Woodland & Korean War Memorial. This unique 8 hectare site combines both a m...
School Crossing Patrols Lothian Council is responsible for providing School Crossing Patrol Guides, to schools throughout West Lothian, to help children cross busy roads on their ...
Empty Homes long term empty home is any privately owned home which has been empty for 6 months or more.
Transfer of a Premises Licence you wish to transfer a premises licence for a premises that is within West Lothian then you must apply to West Lothian Licensing Board.
HRA - Tenants Environmental Project Tenants Environmental Project process gives local people the chance to influence how money can be spent on environmental improvements across a number of l...
Domestic fires, stoves and biomass heating people are turning to modern stoves, open fires or biomass heating systems to help heat their home or business. Burning coal or other solid fuels does caus...
Frequently Asked Questions Asked Questions regarding Blue Badges
Individual travel choices travel choices we make are important for our health, our household finances, our economy and our environment. When we can, choosing to walk, cycle, take pub...
Local Place Plans (LPPs) : Guidance Place Plans (LPPs) are community led plans that were introduced by The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 to encourage communities to be more active participant...
Taxi Vehicle Licences Lothian Council administers a licensing scheme for taxis. The Council does not restrict the numbers of taxis which can be licensed and all taxis must be wh...