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  • ECO Flex Statement of Intent

    ...order to allow more households to access Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding to support making energy efficiency improvements to their...

  • Fortnightly vacancy bulletin

    ...full of current, local job opportunities and helpful advice on money and benefits, training grants, workshops and employment support.

  • Advice Shop

    ...confidential service to help the people of West Lothian. We aim to provide financial support, help to tackle poverty and promote inclusion...

  • ECO Flex Statement of Intent

    ...order to allow more households to access Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding to support making energy efficiency improvements to their...

  • West Lothian Women's Aid Client Testimonies

    Testimonies from women who have used the service

  • Early Learning & Childcare (Nursery & Childminder) places for 2 year olds

    Find out more information about the Early Learning and Childcare (Nursery & Childminder) provision for 2 year olds.

  • Menopause Policy

    ...time of hormonal change and associated symptoms, may need additional consideration, support and adjustments. The council is committed...

  • Gender Based Violence

    ...increasing awareness of the signs of gender based violence, and providing a safe and supportive working environment, the Council can help...

  • Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-agency Child Protection Procedures - Plain Text Web Version - 5. Working with children and young people

    ...intervention, and how they can contribute throughout the Child Protection process. Be supported to contribute to and understand their Child...

  • Information Briefing and Initial Engagement Sessions

    ...families as children grow and to those with lived experience who may require the support of Adult Services in later life There will also...