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  • Useful Links

    Useful links in relation to violence against women and girls

  • Short-Term Wheelchair Loan

    If a wheelchair is required to support someone in West Lothian for a short period of time, and they meet the criteria, a free loan of a wheelchair can be provid...

  • Safety of women and girls information and support

    For information and support on safety of women and girls in public spaces, a range of links are provided

  • Eating Well in Later Life

    Eating well as we get older is really important and it can become harder to eat properly due to changes in our appetite; it becoming harder to cook and shop; du...

  • Harburn Village Hall - Hall Improvements - £19,558

    Click here to find out more about Harburn Village Hall SCIO- Hall Upgrade Phase 3

  • Councillor Sally Pattle

    Councillor Sally Pattle (Scottish Liberal Democrats) is a representative of Linlithgow ward.

  • Armed Forces Community Covenant

    What is the West Lothian Armed Forces Community Covenant ("WLAFCC")?

  • Special Needs Housing

    Special needs housing is a general term covering housing built with particular tenant groups in mind. Usually it involves either specially built or adapted hous...

  • Repatriation of bodies

    When someone dies abroad or in England, Wales or Northern Ireland you can bring the body back to Scotland once you have received the certificate of death and an...

  • Salaried Primary Dental Care Services (SPCDS)

    We work with other organisations and individuals to promote oral health.