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  • Decision Making

    The council is made up of 33 elected members. Those members meet periodically at meetings of full council, and these take place approximately every six weeks. B...

  • Books on Prescription

    Book Yourself to Health: Would you like to better understand conditions and how they can be managed? - Find information that will help you through Books on 'Pre...

  • Lanthorn Centre - information hub

    Works to replace the roof at the Lanthorn Centre, Livingston are complete.

  • Clubs, groups and training

    Whether you want to help children in your community to become confident cyclists or you want to join a friendly walking group to improve your fitness and wellbe...

  • Scottish Business Resilience Centre

    Ultimately the Scottish Business Resilience Centre are aiming to create a safer Scotland in which to live and do business

  • Development Management Committee

    The Development Management Committee is a formal committee of the council that comprises nine elected members.

  • West Lothian ADP

    The West Lothian Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency partnership that has strategic responsibility for coordinating actions to address local i...

  • Golf

    Challenging Par 37, 9 hole golf course.

  • Fairtrade Linlithgow

    Linlithgow was the first town in West Lothian - and the fourth in Scotland - to become a Fairtrade Town. Achieving Fairtrade Town status on 28 January 2004

  • Owning, buying, borrowing and recycling a bike

    Buying a bike doesn't have to be an expensive process. You can also recycle old bikes for wider community benefit.