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Decision Making council is made up of 33 elected members. Those members meet periodically at meetings of full council, and these take place approximately every six weeks. B...
Books on Prescription Yourself to Health: Would you like to better understand conditions and how they can be managed? - Find information that will help you through Books on 'Pre...
Lanthorn Centre - information hub to replace the roof at the Lanthorn Centre, Livingston are complete.
Clubs, groups and training you want to help children in your community to become confident cyclists or you want to join a friendly walking group to improve your fitness and wellbe...
Scottish Business Resilience Centre the Scottish Business Resilience Centre are aiming to create a safer Scotland in which to live and do business
Development Management Committee Development Management Committee is a formal committee of the council that comprises nine elected members.
West Lothian ADP West Lothian Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency partnership that has strategic responsibility for coordinating actions to address local i...
Golf Par 37, 9 hole golf course.
Fairtrade Linlithgow was the first town in West Lothian - and the fourth in Scotland - to become a Fairtrade Town. Achieving Fairtrade Town status on 28 January 2004
Owning, buying, borrowing and recycling a bike a bike doesn't have to be an expensive process. You can also recycle old bikes for wider community benefit.