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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Clubs, groups and training

Whether you want to help children in your community to become confident cyclists or you want to join a friendly walking group to improve your fitness and wellbeing, West Lothian has a range of clubs, groups and training opportunities on offer.

Put Your West Foot Forward

Why not join a local led health walk or cycle ride as part of West Lothian on the Move's Put your West Foot Forward (PYWFF) project. Part of the West Lothian on the Move programme, PYWFF walks and cycle rides are led by volunteers who are trained to support individuals to walk or cycle at their own pace to gradually improve health, wellbeing and confidence. Most activities incorporate social time and are a great way to meet new friends. For an insight into the role of volunteer walk leaders, watch this video featuring Linlithgow walkers and volunteers Friendly health walks in West Lothian (opens new window). The first-hand benefits of walking are set out in this Healthier and Happier (opens new window) video featuring the communities of Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown.

A West Lothian Physical Activity Atlas has been produced, in hard copy and online formats. It contains suggested routes for walking and cycling in your area, alongside approximate distance and times to help you choose a suitable route.

For more information including the walking programme and how to access the Physical Activity Atlas, head to Physical Activity.

Cycle training

If you would like to cycle more but need to build up your skills (and confidence), there are a number of cycle training courses available.

Some of these cycle training courses are aimed at those who wish to teach Bikeability to school pupils or youth groups. If you are interested in getting involved in delivering Bikeability, you can find more details on our Smarter travel to school webpage. 

Some training is on offer via the West Lothian on the Move programme including for volunteers with the All Ability Cycling and Bike Lending Library projects. See below for details.

Other courses covering essential cycling skills and bike maintenance are available upon demand, including a short Essential Cycling Skills course run by Cycling Scotland / Sustrans volunteers in West Lothian. Visit Cycling Scotland's list of Local cycle training courses (opens new window) which includes courses run by the Low Port Centre in Linlithgow.

For some top tips on cycle maintenance, browse Bike Radar - bike maintenance (opens new window).

Cycling clubs and Bike User Groups

Getting involved in a cycling club is also a great way to build up your cycling skills, and to get fit. There are a number of cycling clubs in West Lothian (this list is not exhaustive).

Joining, or setting up, a Bicycle User Group in your workplace can help you access local information and support on cycling. Support is available from Scottish Cycling (opens new window) for communities, schools and organisations wishing to set up a cycling club. 

Bike lending libraries

With funding support from NHS Lothian, Cycling Scotland and Transport Scotland's Smarter Choices Smarter Places programme, a number of bike lending libraries have been developed within communities across West Lothian. These libraries aim to support local people who need access to a bike, or who would like to get back on a bike but need some training and support.

If you would like to borrow a bike or explore training available, contact the Health Improvement Team on and 01506 775626, or contact your local lending library directly. These are currently located in The Vennie, Knightsridge; Polbeth & West Calder Community Garden; The Dale Hub, Armadale; Stoneyburn Community Centre; Strathbrock Family Unit; Broxburn United at Albyn Park; Blackburn Homeless Unit; the Lanthorn Community Centre; and coming soon to Cyrenians Farm, Kirknewton.

Love to Ride

All Ability Cycling

All Ability Cycling sessions using adaptive bikes for individuals with additional support needs are run by West Lothian Council in partnership with Lothian Disability Sport. The programme was extended in 2015/16 with support from Transport Scotland's Smarter Choices Smarter Places funding programme. All Ability Cycling sessions are underway in 2016 and run regularly on Monday evenings.

For more details and to book a place, contact the Health Improvement Team on or 01506 775626.