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  • Pensioner Income Maximisation Service (PIMS)

    The Pensioner Income Maximisation Service (PIMS) offers advice and support for anyone living in West Lothian over the age of 60 or approaching...

  • Gender Based Violence

    ...Gender Based Violence Committee is a multi-agency partnership which co-ordinates and supports professionals who work in the third sector...

  • Workforce Development

    ...Development H291 35 L8 Conduct the Internal Verification Process Workforce Development GG5H 46 L6 PDA Supporting Adult Literacies Learning

  • Talking Therapies

    ...communication skills to encourage open conversations on sensitive matters allowing issues to be explored in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Wellness Coaching

    ...plan of positive goals will be created. The adviser will recommend methods to achieve each goal and will support the individual in them.

  • 7. 16- and 17-year olds

    ...For some 16- and 17-year olds it will be appropriate to consider the use of Adult Support and Protection or other legislation to provide...

  • (SG) Supplementary Guidance : Wind Energy Development

    ...should be applied in practice. In this instance, the guidance has been drafted to support policy NRG 3 of the West Lothian Local Development...

  • Strathbrock Partnership Centre

    Macmillan Cancer Support Drop-In sessions at Strathbrock Partnership Centre are re-opening from Tuesday 18 October 2022, 10am - 12pm....

  • Fostering criteria

    We are committed to helping vulnerable and young people to live with supportive families and safe, caring home environments. There are many...

  • Energy & Climate Change News & Events

    ...Lottery Community Fund has opened Climate Action Fund - Our Shared Future to help support communities tackle climate change and to involve...