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  • Our Mission Statement for Waste Services

    Our role is to help the residents and businesses of West Lothian reduce landfill waste. Our Mission Statement explains why we do what we do and how everyone has...

  • Food Export Health Certificates

    Any food business which exports food and drink to countries out with the European Economic Area may require to provide the receiving country with a certificate ...

  • COVID 19 Social Care Workforce Payment

    The Scottish Government announced on 30 November 2020 a one-off £500 pro rata payment for health and social care staff on the frontline throughout the coronavir...

  • Spotlight On Karen McIloney

    Macmillan@WestLothian Volunteer & Outreach Volunteer

  • Guardianship

    If there is not already something in place, such as a power of attorney, then you might need to apply for a Guardianship order to give you the legal authority t...

  • Help with Meals and Shopping

    Meal and grocery delivery services to older people living in West Lothian.

  • Local Development Plan (LDP 1) Delivery Programme

    The Delivery Programme focuses on the specific infrastructure required to facilitate the implementation of LDP 1.

  • How to apply

    Details of how to apply for Housing Benefit

  • West Lothian Local Licensing Forum

    The Local Licensing Forum for West Lothian Council, known as "The West Lothian Alcohol Licensing Forum" ("the Forum") is not a policy-making or a decision-makin...

  • Benefit Calculator

    Use our free online tool to calculate your entitlement to means tested and some non-means tested benefits