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A899, Livingston - Road Closure (Monday 7 Apr)

The A899 will be closed and a 30mph speed restriction in place on the A899 for bridge refurbishment works


A899 Southbound on slip road at Almond Interchange from roundabout at west end of Almond Road, Craigshill onto Almond Valley Bridge.

Speed Reduction to 30mph

Full length of A899 between Lizzie Brice Roundabout and Livingston North Roundabout (Deer Park) on northbound and southbound carriageways

When will this take place?

  • The closure will be in place from 12.01am on Monday 7 April until 11.59pm on Sunday 15 July

Diversion via A899 Southbound on slip closure at Almond Interchange - Almond Interchange, A899 northbound on slip, A899 northbound carriageway, eastbound off slip at Cousland Interchange, Cousland Road, A899 southbound on slip at Cousland Interchange, A899 southbound carriageway.

Map of closure

Map of closure on A899