Partners - Childminders
For Childminders in partnership with West Lothian Council
This page will include forms and information required by childminders successful in being offered a partnership with West Lothian Council.
Once a partnership contract has been concluded, the childminder is required to complete the following forms:
Childminder - Terms and Conditions Form
Childminder - Payment System Information Form
The payment system information form will ask for the number of weeks you are open in a year, the options are:
- 50 wks -
- 48 wks -
- 47 wks -
- 46 wks -
- 38 wks -
For Funding to be awarded:
Step One - Parent submits an application to pupil placement requesting funding to attend a childminder, the parent should state the name of the childminder they are applying for in the additional information section of the application form.
Step Two - Pupil placement e-mail the childminder an excel sheet called 'Request for funding'
Step Three - Childminder completes the Childminder - Advisement of availability form to let pupil placement know if they have a place available for the child. If the childminder advisement is:
- No place available - parent will be informed and no further action is required for that child.
- 'More information is required to consider if place is available' - then the 'Request for Funding' sheet will be e-mailed again with the addition of the information requested, then the childminder will repeat Step Three.
- Yes a place is available - then proceed to Step Four.
Step Four - Pupil placement will e-mail the childminder their Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) list, with the addition of this child.
Please note: This Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) list will be e-mailed to the childminder every time funding has been granted (Grants - will be indicated by being coloured Green)
Step Five - Childminder completes the Childminder - Confirm Attendance Form for the child newly granted funding. The information provided on that form will be used to work out payments due for that child's attendance.
For Funding to be withdrawn:
Step One - Parent advises either pupil placement or childminder their child will be leaving the childminder.
Step Two - If the parent has advised
- Childminder, go to step Three
- Pupil placement, then they will e-mail the childminder the Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) to inform the childminder that notice has been given.
Step Three - childminder completes the Childminder - Attendance Update Form to confirm the date notice period ends.
Please note: This Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) list will be e-mailed to the childminder every time funding is being withdrawn (Withdrawals - will be indicated by being coloured Yellow).
Step Four - Pupil placement will e-mail the childminder the Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) to confirm notice period end date.
Information to follow once ready
For Funding to be increased/decreased:
Step One - Parent advises either pupil placement or childminder they wish their child's funding at the childminder to change.
Step Two - If the parent has advised
- Childminder - and the change means the funded hours at the childminder will increase/decrease per week - the childminder will go to step Three
- Pupil placement - and the change means the funded hours at the childminder will increase/decrease per week - then pupil placement will e-mail the childminder the Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) which will detail any change and if it is a reduction it will also detail that notice has been given to reduce hours.
Step Three - childminder completes the Childminder - Attendance Update Form. The information provided will be applied to work out changes to payments.
Please note: This Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) list will be e-mailed to the childminder every time funding is being increased/decreased(Changes - will be indicated by being coloured Orange).
Step Four - Pupil placement will e-mail the childminder the Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) to confirm the date the change is effective from.
Enquiries can be e-mailed to (please make the Subject : CM - Enquiry)
Or you can call us on 01506 281867, please ask for Susan or Jennifer initially