Liggat Syke Flood Protection Scheme
Flood Risk from the Liggat Syke
The main flood risk to approximately 40 residential properties in Nicol Road and Pyothall Court comes from the Liggat Syke watercourse.
Significant flooding occurred in Nicol Road and Parkwood Gardens on the 27 August 2020 when 21 homes were inundated when the Liggat Syke overtopped, following an intense, localised rainfall event on already saturated ground in the upper catchment.
Liggat Syke Flood Protection Scheme
The Liggat Syke Flood Protection Scheme is being designed to contain excess flows from storm events within this steep catchment, to prevent the watercourse from overtopping prior to the culvert running underneath the Union Canal.
The initial design proposals for the scheme include a bypass culvert and a basin for the temporary storage of excess flows expected to occur during a Medium Likelihood event (i.e. a 1 in 200-year Return Period / 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability event).
Indicative project completion dates are: | |
Outline Design | January 2025 |
Detailed Design | July 2025 |
Statutory Approval | October 2025 |
Procurement | December 2025 |
Construction | June 2026 |
(v16, June 2024)
Stakeholder Engagement
Approximately 150 surrounding homeowners received this Community Engagement Sketch (PDF, 294 KB)(opens new window) in September 2021.
A public exhibition will be held in Broxburn late summer 2024. This will provide an opportunity to residents, businesses and other stakeholders to learn more about the initial proposals for the scheme and have any questions answered.
Broxburn Flood Risk
Historically, Broxburn has suffered from repeated flooding with records going back to the 1870's. The 2007 Broxburn Flood Protections Scheme (construction completed 2013) includes formal defences in Burnside, West Burnside and Blyth Road. The 2007 scheme offers protection to 90 properties from river flood risk from the Brox Burn.
Broxburn is one of the Council's flood risk management target areas, located within the Forth Estuary's Local Flood Risk Management Plan within Potentially Vulnerable Area (PVA) 2/10/13. For further information on West Lothian Council's flood risk target areas please refer to Update on Flood Risk Management.