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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Community Sport

Improving Lives Through Sport

Active Schools and Community Sport hold a vision of inclusive access for all and upholds everyone's right to participate in physical activity and sport.   

We support a cohesive approach that aligns the provision of physical education, physical activity and sport.  We use sport-based approaches to provide positive outcomes and, through intentional change, foster environments and opportunities that improve the lives of the people of West Lothian. 

For further information relating to Active Schools and Community Sport, please visit (opens new window)

If any further information or guidance is required, please contact Community Sport at



When considering applications for funding, the Sporting Grants Panel will be concerned with the project's contribution to changing lives and its positive impact on the community.
A Community Sport Hub is a collective of local sports clubs & other community organisations that come together to improve the contribution that sport & physical activity has on a community.
Through the network we support clubs and their people to develop strong governance and to identify and address the needs of their membership and of their wider communities.