Sporting Grants 2024-25
The Active Schools & Community Sport service is responsible on behalf of West Lothian Council for the administration of the Sporting Grant Awards Scheme.
GDPR Privacy Notice Sporting Grants (PDF, 149 KB)(opens new window)
The application process is currently closed.
Successful applications will be those that demonstrate a targeted approach to one or more of the following areas:
- Collaborative working with other partners e.g. clubs, schools, Community Sport Hubs (CSHs);
- Development of volunteers and young leaders;
- Enabling the inactive to become more active;
- Planning, governance and profile;
- Tackling inequalities.
Applications must be linked to a club, a CSH or club partnership development plan that details costs, delivery model and projected impacts. If successful, a follow-up report to show how you have applied the sporting grant will be required.
Only Active Assured accredited clubs, recognised CSHs and club partnerships can apply to the Sporting Grant Awards Scheme.
For more detailed information on the criteria please read the following document carefully before you begin working on an application Sporting Grant Awards Scheme criteria 2024-25 (PDF, 87 KB)(opens new window).
For further information contact Active West Lothian or email your dedicated Community Sport Coordinator if known.
How to apply
The application process is currently closed.
When submitting an application please be aware that, once you have started the process using the online form, the information cannot be saved so we recommend you have all the necessary details and documents to hand when you begin completing the form. A copy of all the questions contained within the online application form which will help you to identify what you need to prepare in advance can be found in the following document Sporting Grant Application Form Questions 2024-25 (PDF, 193 KB)(opens new window).
West Lothian Trust for People with Disabilities
This small fund supports disabled individuals who have been selected to represent their sport at a national or international level. Please contact Active West Lothian for more information.