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Macmillan @ West Lothian News & Features

Catch up with what Macmillan @ West Lothian have been up to!

Lanthorn Drop In 
Lanthorn Drop In

The Macmillan team held a drop in event at the newly reopened Lanthorn Community Centre on Thursday 6th February 2025 to spread awareness of Macmillan services in West Lothian. The team will be available at Lanthorn Community Centre every Thursday between 10am - 12pm to provide information and support for a trial period of 6 weeks.  Pop along and meet the team and have a chat! 


Lunar New Year Celebration Event

On 2nd February 2025, Macmillan@WL provided an information stall at a Lunar New Year Celebration Event at West Lothian College organised by the Chinese Community Hub, to provide information and raise awareness of support on offer from Macmillan in West Lothian


Prostate Cancer Awareness Event 
Prostate Cancer Awareness Event

West Lothian African Women's Network partnered with Prostate Scotland on Saturday 1st February 2025 to deliver a Prostate Cancer Awareness Event.  Gina, Macmillan Improving the Cancer Development Worker, was invited along to provide an update about support on offer from Macmillan Information and Support and Improving the Cancer Journey in West Lothian. 


West Lothian College Drop In & ASDA Pop Up 
ASDA Photo
College Photo

The Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey staff attended West Lothian College Compass Point on 09/10/2024 to provide Information and Support to students and staff.  That afternoon Gina and our volunteer Pat had a pop up stall at ASDA Livingston to spread awareness of Macmillan services in West Lothian 


Networking Event Collage
Let's Talk Cancer Networking Event 

The Macmillan @ WL team organised and held a networking event for local services who support people affected by cancer at Howden Park Centre on 25/09/2024.  The event had several guest speakers, providing the local picture of Cancer Care in West Lothian and hearing from staff providing support to local people affected by cancer.  We were also joined by a very brave young person who shared his lived experience of a family member with a terminal cancer diagnosis.  The event was well attended by a range of West Lothian Council staff and third sector services 


Macmillan Coffee Morning

The Macmillan @ WL and Macmillan Benefits Team held a Macmillan Coffee Morning for public and staff at The Jim Walker Partnership Centre on 23/09/2024.  Staff from The Jim Walker Partnership Centre provided home baked goods and the event raised £959 for Macmillan Cancer Support


Volunteer Fayre
Volunteer Fayre

Our Macmillan and Advice Shop volunteers took part in a local volunteer Fayre on 5th June 2024 at The Jim Walker Partnership Centre, networking with other local services who have or are looking to recruit volunteers





 Festival Essentials
Festive Essentials

Our volunteers supported with the Festive Essentials toiletry campaign for West Lothian Foodbank, packing gift bags of toiletries which were given out alongside Christmas Foodbank parcels.





Celebrating our Investing in Volunteer Quality Standard success! 
Investing in Volunteers Celebration

The Advice Shop Volunteering Team were awarded the Investing in Volunteers Quality Standard for a second time in May 2023.  Some of our volunteers came together to celebrate this success