Corporate Asset Management
Our Corporate Asset Management strategy incorporates property, roads and structures, open spaces, IT and vehicles

The Property Management and Development services is very much open for business. Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, our staff are currently working offsite and we would ask that all enquiries be emailed to (opens new window) where a member of our team will access and action them as necessary. Whilst we have robust business continuity measures in place, customers may experience some impact to service delivery. We are grateful for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. Should you require emergency assistance out of hours, then please contact the council's emergency out of hours service on 01506 280000.
Asset management has assumed an increasingly prominent role over recent years and is a key part of the overall drive to secure best value in service provision.
Appropriate use of assets can make the difference between good and poor service delivery and assist in front line service provision.
In addition, the Scottish Government's efficiency agenda clearly identifies asset management as a major workstream where significant public service efficiencies are to be achieved. Ensuring that assets are used effectively will ensure that long-term efficiency savings are identified.
West Lothian embraces this approach to deliver service improvements and long-term efficiencies through the better use of assets. The key strands of this are
- A corporate and co-ordinated approach to asset management
- Implementing the Corporate Asset Management strategy.
- Clear arrangements for the management of assets within the council.
- Regularly measuring the performance of assets.
- Full integration of capital and revenue spending decisions with asset management planning.
- A structured, systematic and fully documented process for asset management
- Prioritisation of capital investment need
West Lothian Council is committed to making efficient and effective use of its assets. A Corporate Asset Management strategy has been prepared that incorporates and the following asset types:
- Property
- Roads and Structures
- Open Spaces
- IT
- Vehicles