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Our Service to External Customers

We sell and lease council property

Bathgate Partnership Centre Banner

The Property Management and Development services is very much open for business. Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, our staff are currently working offsite and we would ask that all enquiries be emailed to (opens new window) where a member of our team will access and action them as necessary. Whilst we have robust business continuity measures in place, customers may experience some impact to service delivery. We are grateful for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. Should you require emergency assistance out of hours, then please contact the council's emergency out of hours service on 01506 280000. 

Development sites and surplus properties

We have for sale development sites - mainly for residential use - and properties that are surplus to the council's needs. These properties are usually advertised for sale on the open market, with a closing date for the submission of formal offers. Please note that we do not generally have individual house plots for sale - and any that do become available will be offered for sale in the manner outlined above.

Garden Ground

We respond to requests from local residents for the purchase of amenity land for the extension of their private garden ground. If you want to find out more details download our information leaflet and application form available on our Standard Documents page.

Industrial and business development sites

The council has a small stock of land for development for industrial or office use, falling under planning Use Classes 4, 5 and 6. Sites are available for migrant and expanding local businesses to enable business growth with terms and conditions negotiated directly. We are also a partner in the development of new business parks at Heartlands, Whitburn (opens new window), and at Lothian Gateway, Bathgate (opens new window).

Commercial property for lease

We manage and let over 500 office, industrial and retail properties throughout West Lothian. These include:

  • Business starter units suitable for a variety of light industrial and office uses
  • Approximately 200 small industrial units from 90 to 180 sq.m (c 1000 to 2000 sq. ft), which are let on easy in, easy out terms
  • About 30 larger industrial units of up to 2300 sq.m (25000 sq.ft)
  • Office accommodation in multi-occupancy and modern self-contained buildings
  • In excess of 100 shops, in both prime locations and local shopping parades

Download a guide to leasing commercial property from the council (PDF, 642 KB)(opens new window), and copies of our Standard Documents.

A full list of the properties we currently have available, on the Nova Loca database -  Nova Loca (opens new window)

Commercial sponsorship of roundabouts

We manage the council's roundabout sponsorship scheme.

We can tell you if the council owns a particular property

Property Management and Development (PM&D) maintains computerised records of all properties owned by West Lothian Council, including an Ordnance Survey based Geographical Information System. All enquiries about property or ground ownership and requests for information on boundary issues should be directed to us.

Contact (opens new window) on 01506 281 821, giving the address or location of the property. Unfortunately only information on council ownerships is available. This service is free of charge.

However, enquiries regarding the management and maintenance for grass, landscaping and open spaces - for example communal amenity or landscaped areas - should be directed to NETs, Land & Countryside Services .

We grant access across council land for the utility services

The council's formal consent is required for the laying of any utility or service - such as power, water or drainage - across land in our ownership. These consents are known wayleaves or servitudes and will be processed by Property Management and Development on request. For more information contact our Team (PDF, 264 KB)(opens new window).

We are involved in new developments

To support the growth of the West Lothian economy we are involved in projects for the provision of new industrial sites and buildings.

  • We are partners with Ecosse Regeneration in the preparation of the 100 acre Heartlands Business Park (opens new window), to the south of the M8, at Whitburn.
  • A rehabilitation of the former Riddochhill Colliery at Bathgate with Waystone Hall Ltd, to create Lothian Gateway (opens new window), an extension to both the J4M8 Distribution Park, and to Whitehill Industrial Estate.
  • We are preparing to service industrial and business land in Livingston.