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  • The People Strategy - Employee Engagement (Adobe pdf documents)

    Employee Engagement Policy People strategy

  • Pool Guidance Document (Adobe pdf documents)

    POOL GUIDANCE Pool Guidance Document Pool Guidance Document Guidance Travel

  • Application for Recognition of Previous Experience in Determining Salary Placing (Microsoft Word)

    Application for Recognition of Previous Experience in Determining Salary Placing Form Pay Recruitment

  • Application of Pay and Grading Arrangements (Non-Teaching) - Managers Guidance (Adobe pdf documents)

    PAY AND GRADING GUIDANCE Application of Pay and Grading Arrangements (Non-Teaching) - Managers Guidance Pay and grading guidance Guidance Pay

  • Shift Allowance Description (Adobe pdf documents)

    Shift Allowance Description Protocol Pay

  • Policy Statement on Equal Pay (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Policy Statement on Equal Pay Human Resources March 2023 2 WEST LOTHIAN COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT ON EQUAL PAY 1. Statement of Intent 1.1 The council’s Policy ...

  • Policy on Business Travel and Subsistence (Adobe pdf documents)

    POLICY ON BUSINESS TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE Approved 22 March 11 Last Reviewed July 2022 DOCUMENT CONTROL Policy Title: Travel and Subsistence Policy Owner: Human...

  • Policy for Dealing with Salary Over/Under Payments (Adobe pdf documents)

    Policy on Salary Overpayments_App1 _2_.doc 2 DATA LABEL: PUBLIC Policy for Dealing with Salary Over/Under Payments Human Resources Last Reviewed August 2023 3 D...

  • Relocation Assistance Scheme (Adobe pdf documents)

    DATA LABEL: PUBLIC Relocation Assistance Scheme Human Resources Revised August 2023 2 DATA LABEL: PUBLIC DOCUMENT CONTROL Policy Title: Relocation Assistance Sc...

  • Severe Weather Policy (Adobe pdf documents)

    /Severe WeatherPolicy for Dealing with Disruptions to Normal Working Arrangements / Approved by Full Council 18 October 2011 /SEVERE WEATHERPOLICY FOR DEALING W...