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  • Special Leave and Flexible Working Hours Guidance for Managers (Adobe pdf documents)

    SPECIAL LEAVE AND FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS GUIDANCE FOR MANAGERS Special Leave and Flexible Working Hours Guidance for Managers Managers Guidance for application ...

  • Application for Special Leave for Teachers (Microsoft Word)

    APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LEAVE FOR TEACHERS Application for Special Leave for Teachers West Lothian Council application for special leave for teachers Form Famil...

  • Application for Special Leave (Microsoft Word)

    APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LEAVE Application for Special Leave West Lothian Council application for special leave Form Family Care Special leave

  • Severe Weather Arrangements (Microsoft Word)

    SEVERE WEATHER ARRANGEMENTS Severe Weather Arrangements West Lothian Council application for special leave due to sever weather arrangements Form Special leave ...

  • Managing Unacceptable Customer Behaviour - Employee Guidance (Adobe pdf documents)

    Managing Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Guidance Unacceptable actions

  • Learning Zone training events (Adobe pdf documents)

    Learning Zone training events Training

  • EIB Issue 18 Violence Agression-Personal Safety (June 2018) (Adobe pdf documents)

    Violence Agression-Personal Safety ( June 2018) Guidance Unacceptable actions

  • Unacceptable Actions Guide (Adobe pdf documents)

    West Lothian CouncilUnacceptable Actions GuideDealing with problem behaviour v West Lothian Council Unacceptable Actions Guide Dealing with problem behaviour Da...

  • Family Care Policy and Procedure (Adobe pdf documents)

    Leave for Family Care Purposes Policy & Procedure 1 DATA LABEL: PUBLIC Leave for Family Care Purposes Policy & Procedure Approved 24 November 1996 Revised: Marc...

  • Time Off Work for Trade Union Duties and Activities (Adobe pdf documents)

    TU Time Policy 3 Time off for Trade Union Duties and Activities Policy Original approved by PP&R Cttee 22 April 1997 Last Reviewed December 2023 DATA LABEL: PUB...