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Care Home Liaison Service service is in place to reduce the need for patients to come into hospital from nursing homes by providing a comprehensive assessment and care management pla...
Community Psychiatric Nursing Elderly (CPNE) Older Adult Team CPN Team work to reduce the need for patients to come into hospital by providing a comprehensive assessment and care management plan for individuals and the...
At Home Monitoring and apps can be used to monitor an individual at home who is perhaps a fall risk or a safety risk. These devices and apps can be used to keep an eye on ...
Self-Management devices and apps can be used to help manage tasks that can become overwhelming for some, or provide reminders for those who suffer from memory l...
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) Improvement Scotland (HIS) aims to improve the quality of health care in Scotland by setting and monitoring standards for NHS Scotland and its partners.
Burngrange Care Home Care Home and Respite Care- Local Authority
Dementia Cafe local community meeting place that gives people with dementia and their carers a chance to meet others in a similar situation.
Community Equipment Store Community Equipment Store provides a range of equipment, issued on loan following an assessment of need by professional health and social work staff. Equipm...
Community Psychiatric Nursing (CPN) Adult Team CPN Team work to reduce the need for patients to come into hospital by providing a comprehensive assessment and care management plan for individuals and the...
Food Network Food Network is a collaborative of member organisation who aim to address food insecurity and food poverty across West Lothian.