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New dementia information booklet has been produced by the Community Occupational Therapy (OT) Service to support people with dementia, their family and carers....
West Lothian HSCP introduces Dementia Advanced Nurse Practitioner role how to further enhance Dementia care to in order to improve earlier diagnosis; support people with a current Dementia diagnosis...
Customer Strategy 2023 to 2028 (Plain Text Version) - Strategy Overview services with the customer in mind and develop the culture and conditions to support our staff to deliver positive outcomes for...
Continuous Interventions'. This is when all staff involved with your care meet to discuss how best to support you. You can be involved with this meeting...
Eviction Advice are subject to the post provisions requirements. Rent Adjudication To support the transition away from the emergency measures,...
Prevent Social Isolation - RealSAM Pocket ones by phone or text, reduces isolation by allowing you to stream content and supports your independence with handy assistance tools......
Community Occupational Therapy the environment more accessible and signposting to other agencies for further support and advice. An occupational therapist may be...
(SG) Supplementary Guidance : Developer Contributions Towards Cemetery Provision in West Lothian subject of developer contributions towards cemetery provision in West Lothian supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superceded)...
(SG) Supplementary Guidance : Developer Contributions Towards Public Art Previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on the subject of Public Art supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superceded),...
(SG) Supplementary Guidance : Planning and Education Guidance. The previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on this subject supported the adopted West Lothian Local Plan...