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People Strategy 2023 to 2028 (Plain Text Version) - Operating Context seeking to build the workforce we need to transform for the future, the People Strategy takes account of key challenges and opportunities we face in our oper...
West Lothian Council - Fair Work First Lothian Council is committed to advancing the Fair Work Criteria, specifically:
(SG) New Development in the Countryside Guidance. The current Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on this subject supports the adopted West Lothian Local Plan 2009...
Terms and Conditions of Employment (Trade Unions) council supports the system of collective bargaining and is represented on the various negotiating committees dealing with the pay...
COVID-19 Update on how services have been affected by COVID-19 and the support available The Scottish Government announced on the 17 th November...
Change to Legislation awareness about landlord responsibilities; identify where further advice or support for landlords may be required; ensure that local...
(PG) Planning Guidance : Planning for Nature : Development Management and Wildlife Wildlife'. Previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on the same subject supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superseded)...
(PG) Planning Guidance : House Extension & Alteration Design Guide is closed . Previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on the same subject supported the West Lothian Local Plan (now superseded)...
(PG) Planning Guidance : Non-employment Uses Within Employment Areas policies should be applied in practice. In this instance, the guidance has been drafted to support policy EMP 1 of the West Lothian
West Lothian HSCP publishes engagement report on new East Calder Health Centre and West Lothian HSCP has ensured a commitment to promoting a design that supports and prioritises physical, social, mental, occupational...