Property Management & Development
Property Management and Development (PM&D) delivers a professional service to internal and external customers. This includes strategic, portfolio and operational property management; aspects of valuation; agency; and development. PM&D's objective in managing the Council's property assets is to ensure that they are deployed and used efficiently and effectively - whether that is to support the delivery of services, or to generate income.

The Property Management and Development services is very much open for business. Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, our staff are currently working offsite and we would ask that all enquiries be emailed to (opens new window) where a member of our team will access and action them as necessary. Whilst we have robust business continuity measures in place, customers may experience some impact to service delivery. We are grateful for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. Should you require emergency assistance out of hours, then please contact the council's emergency out of hours service on 01506 280000.
What do we do?
Our main involvement with external customers is the management of our commercial portfolio of offices, shops and industrial units, i.e. properties that are owned by West Lothian Council, but which aren't used for the delivery of council services. We are involved in the sale of surplus assets and development sites, and the provision of new sites and properties to encourage the economic development of West Lothian. We provide services to customers within the council, focusing on strategic property asset management. This includes managing Civic Centre and other Headquarter buildings; energy and water management; and the provision of professional property advice and support.
How to contact us
Find our location on the Civic Centre Map (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window).
David Baird,
Property Services Manager
Tel: 01506 281826
Scott Hughes
Strategic Property Asset Manager
Tel: 01506 281825
David Metcalf
Group Commercial Surveyor
Tel: 01506 283287
Derek O'Neill
Group Facilities Manager
Tel: 01506 281820
Email: derek.o'
Peter Rogers
Energy and Climate Change Manager
Tel: 01506 281107