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Discretionary Housing Payment Fund Discretionary Housing Payment fund is a "cash limited" fund available for "short term" assistance for those people who face "real hardship" as a result of n...
Council Property for Sale or Lease Management & Development's primary involvement with external customers is through the management of West Lothian Council's commercial property portfoli...
Our Service to External Customers sell and lease council property
Thistle Assistance Scheme all travellers! Thistle Assistance has officially launched its brand-new look with a newly- designed Thistle Assistance card, app and website to help ma...
Have your say on public transport and active travel improvements for Broxburn to Maybury is one of two flagship transport projects funded through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal (link) (City Region Deal) to deliver travel...
IJB Equality Mainstreaming and Outcomes and Equality Outcomes 2021 - 2025 West Lothian Integration Joint Board has published its Progress Report for the Mainstreaming Report and Equality...
Let's Be Heard - Scottish COVID 19 Enquiry Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is investigating the devolved strategic response to the pandemic in Scotland between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. The Inqu...
Let's Be Heard - Scottish COVID 19 Enquiry Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is investigating the devolved strategic response to the pandemic in Scotland between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. The Inqu...
Protecting your property from flood damage can play an important role in making your property more resilient and helping to reduce the impact of flooding. Protecting your property - Property Flood Re...
Customer Strategy 2023 to 2028 (Plain Text Version) - Operating Context ahead, 2023/24 to 2027/28 is expected to bring fundamental change to council services as we seek to transform council services to continue to meet custo...