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  • Blackburn Community Choices

    Blackburn Community Choices is a process that enables local communities to decide how public funding is spent. £25,000 has been allocated...

  • Kit and things - Blackburn Bulldogs

    Blackburn Bulldogs is a basketball /sports club aimed at young people aged 11 to 21 years which enables them to take part in physical activities...

  • Entertainment Sessions - Blackburn Galaday

    ...programme of three social events that will take place over twelve months in the Blackburn Partnership Centre. The programme is aimed at...

  • Paracise - Blackburn Young at Heart

    Blackburn Young at Heart want to deliver a new weekly 45 minute physical activity session called 'Paracise'. The sessions will be tailored...

  • Blackburn Regeneration Area

    Blackburn has a population of 5,250. The first Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in West Lothian is located on over 400 acres of public land between...

  • Blackburn Primary School

    School catchment and contact information.

  • Blackburn Partnership Centre

    Blackburn Partnership Centre is a £8.2 million, joint development between West Lothian Council and NHS Lothian.

  • Whitburn and Blackburn By-Election

    A By-Election was to be held to elect a councillor for the Whitburn and Blackburn ward of West Lothian Council. The Local Government By-Election...

  • 'The Blackburn Oscars' - Screen Memories

    "The Blackburn Oscars" is a project about film, film stars and cinema and is aimed at older residents especially those who are living with...

  • 'Singing Well' Blackburn and Seafield Church

    'Singing Well' is a project which would give local people the opportunity to come together to take part in singing activity and enjoy a healthy meal. It is aime...