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  • Housing Benefit and Universal Credit

    Many people who rent their homes, and are on incomes which are significantly below average, are entitled to receive the largely Government funded Housing Benefi...

  • Update on Flood Risk Management

    Like many other parts of the United Kingdom, West Lothian is experiencing the effects of a changing climate, one of the biggest contributors to increased future...

  • School Work Placement Programme - information for parents/carers/guardians

    In order to ensure that our young people gain insight, knowledge and skills around the world of work it is essential that they have access to authentic and rele...

  • Proposal to Relocate Cedarbank School

    West Lothian Council Education Executive agreed the proposal on 21 January 2020.

  • Books on Prescription

    Book Yourself to Health: Would you like to better understand conditions and how they can be managed? - Find information that will help you through Books on 'Pre...

  • How to apply

    How to apply for Council Tax Reduction

  • Right to Appeal

    What to do if you think our decision on your Homeless Application is wrong

  • Eliburn Park

    Route: Eliburn football pavilion/car park - down through fishing car park - down past reservoir - optional woodland circuit - loop around east side of reservoir...

  • Land and Property

    West Lothian Council owns a significant amount of property - land and buildings - located throughout the county.

  • West Lothian Council's Purpose, Vision and Values

    Our ambition for West Lothian and helping the people who live here is what motivates every council employee. It drives our actions, decisions and influences our...