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  • Assessment, Eligibility and Financial Contributions

    Information on our eligibility criteria, how we carry out an assessment and information on financial contributions you may need to pay towards your care.

  • West Calder High School extension

    Initial works for an extension to West Calder High School are set to begin on Monday 3 June 2024.

  • Aftercare Service

    The Aftercare Service provides advice, guidance, and assistance to eligible young people aged 16 to 19 who are residents of West Lothian (or were when they were...

  • Pathways Project

    The Pathways Project is a project set up to help residents identify their future goals and aspirations with a named caseworker to help achieve these.

  • Tackling Fuel Poverty

    This page provides resources if you are struggling with your energy bills or need advice on improving energy efficiency in your home

  • What is Community Learning and Development and who is involved?

    West Lothian's CLD activity is delivered by a wide range of organisations, using different approaches and operating in a variety of settings. There is a strong ...

  • People Strategy 2023 to 2028 (Plain Text Version) - Outcomes

    Our People Strategy sets out our aspiration to be an employer of choice with people who are skilled and engaged in delivering services that have a positive impa...

  • Listen & Link

    Listen & Link is an early intervention phone line service for children, young people and families who have concerns for the mental wellbeing of a child or young...

  • West Lothian Tackling Poverty Strategy

    The Community Planning Partnership is committed to addressing poverty and believes that West Lothian should be a place where everyone has the chance of a decent...

  • Pumpherston Library

    Pumpherston library information