Provost and Depute Provost
Councillor Cathy Muldoon is the current Provost of West Lothian Council, with Councillor Peter Heggie serving as depute Provost.

The Provost fulfils a unique and important function as the civic head in representing the council and the wider West Lothian community at ceremonial and other formal events and occasions both within and outside West Lothian.

The Provost is the formal representative of the council when meeting with visiting dignitaries and is also expected to:
- promote West Lothian's profile to the wider community through public appearances at social, community, cultural and business events and though the media
- foster networks with other organisations in both the business and public sectors to support and enhance the development of West Lothian and its communities
- chair meetings of full council and ensure the proper conduct of meetings including keeping order; ensuring that members have a fair hearing; that reasonable steps are taken to enable effective participation by members, officers and members of the public participating by being present physically or by remote-access; regulating participation by officers and the public; ruling on all matters of procedure, competency and relevancy; and ensuring the business on the agenda is concluded efficiently and effectively
- ensure the proper conduct of business there in terms of Standing Orders and the council's values
- liaise closely with the Leader of the Council in terms of the civic roles and functions on behalf of the council, and with the Depute Provost
- promote the core values of the council
- act at all times in a manner to enhance the reputation of the council in terms of fair representation, open government and accountability and as a representative of both the council and the community
- maintain the highest standards of integrity and behaviour personally and act as an example to others.
To contact the Provost's Office, please write to:
Civic Office
West Lothian Civic Centre
West Lothian
EH54 6FF