Image of Livingston

Livingston 60th Anniversary Celebration Heritage Walks

Heritage walks around Livingston to celebrate Livingston 60th Anniversary.

Route: Football Stadium - Civic Centre - Skate Park - follow river to concrete bridge - into Howden - around Howden Park - back to Civic Centre.
Route: Football Stadium - Civic Centre - Skate Park - follow river to concrete bridge - back to Civic Centre.
Route: Lanthorn Centre - Dedridge burn plantation - under Bankton road - beside Bankton House - loop around Bankton House - walking past Williamston Primary School - same path back to Dedridge burn plantation - back to Lanthorn.
Route: Start at parking behind the Mall, Adelaide Street - up to main road - past Craigwillow Centre - behind Stirrup Stane - south past Letham PS - west, through Mall - through houses - past Craigsfarm and Riverside PS - past the Tower, back to car park.
Route: Livingston South Railway Station - past Village Hall - Murieston Trail north of water - through Beech Avenue - past Murieston House - past Livingston Cricket Club - around west side of Campbridge Pond - following boardwalks on Murieston Trail south of water - through Murieston woodlands - past Stone Seat sculpture - over Murieston bridge - following the meadow path - around the play park - loop round back towards Livingston South Railway Station.
Route: Eliburn football pavilion/car park - down through fishing car park - down past reservoir - optional woodland circuit - loop around east side of reservoir - loop around play area - back to Eliburn Park car park.