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Countryside 4

Parks, Gardens and Woodland

Storm Eowyn

Following Storm Eowyn on the 24 January 2025 and further wet and windy weather, the wooded areas within West Lothian suffered significant damage. Clearance work on forest roads and main access routes have now been completed but not all wooded areas and paths are clear of windblown damage, so we ask users to stay vigilant especially during wet and windy weather conditions.

If you visit a wooded site, we are asking all visitors to:

  • Always follow signage and do not breach path closures
  • Stay well away from work areas
  • Choose an alternative route if your way ahead is blocked

From Saturday 1 March 2025 Beecraigs Country Park is removing the red zone restrictions but some wooded areas within the Park remain out of bounds.

Forestry clearance works will continue over the coming months across many woodlands in West Lothian; stay clear of timber stacks and do not climb on these please.